Medium for afterlife contact

Have you lost a close relative or friend?
Has the person passed away and you feel there are still issues?
Would you like to know if the deceased person arrived safely on the other side?

The deceased are not simply gone. These souls have only left their physical form.

In the afterlife contact you can speak with the soul of a deceased person, hear how it is and clarify unspoken things.

- Sebastian -

Feeling closeness

With these and other questions it can help to open the space, to invite the soul of the deceased and to enter into the beyond contact.

From my own personal experience I know what closeness this can create, what peace can come, how the contact can be a lasting support. And not only for the people who are alive, but also for the souls who have left their bodies.

Take the experience into your daily life

What matters to me in such a session is that you "experience" the contact and not just hear my transmitted words. It is much more important to me that the contact between you may become normal and everyday, if both souls wish that. If you feel how the soul of the deceased feels, you can get in touch with it yourself, every day, without my intervention.

Please choose your language

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Schuld genommen

Deine und Johannas Botschaft war ein tiefer und berührender Kontakt.

Er hat mir zentnerschwere Last, Schuld und Sühne abgenommen.

Ich fühle mich freier.

Roland –

Ein guter Hirte

Danke für Deine behutsame Begleitung. Du warst wie ein guter Hirte, der mich führt.

Wirklich großartig was Du kannst !!!

Ich hoffe Du kannst Deine Fähigkeiten mehr und mehr zu den Menschen bringen.

– Nina –


Ich habe die Sitzung als sehr bereichernd erlebt.

Es hat mir geholfen, in frühere Leben zu gehen, damit sich die Schuldzuweisungen gegenüber meinen Eltern reduzieren.

– Edith –

Mehr Licht

In den Sessions erlebe ich immer wieder, wie manche meiner inneren Aspekte nicht im Licht oder nicht im Frieden sind.

Sebastian hilft mir, auf sie zuzugehen und ihnen zu geben, was sie brauchen.

Es ist, als entstehe mehr Platz für Licht in mir.

Sylvie –


Deine ganz zu tiefst einfühlsame Art… Danke

Cornelia –


What can you expect?

It varies greatly depending on who appears. There are souls who like to talk a lot, others are rather quiet. The absolute majority is very interested in the goodwill of the still incarnated souls and wants to support. Since we invite the soul, it is up to the soul whether it accepts the invitation. Therefore, it is also possible that it does not appear.
There are three things to keep in mind:

  • Departed souls are not soothsayers or omniscient. They have a certain perspective, but it is not all-encompassing.
  • They don't say what you want to hear, but what they think is important to you.
  • When they talk about the future and mention periods of time or dates, these are "possibilities". It can also come differently or at other times. The temporal perception beyond the human body is completely different.
Are deceased people allowed to be disturbed at all?

Here, it is indeed necessary to be very mindful. That is why we will open the space to the beyond, but not go in search of the soul. We extend the invitation and then wait to see what emerges. Experience shows that other souls often use this opportunity to get in touch with you. For example, ancestors or other relatives.

In the first few days (3 days in any case) after detachment from the body, contact is usually not possible because the soul is on its journey to leave this earth.

Should you prepare yourself?

Yes, be clear whether you really want the contact and why you want it.
Talk to the soul of the deceased and tell it that you have made an appointment with me to open the space for a meeting. Make an invitation to the soul.

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