Energetic cleansing

Are there places, such as your home or workplace, where you feel very uncomfortable?
Do you have the feeling that something is weighing on you that makes you feel like you are being directed, having confused or destructive thoughts that you cannot explain to yourself?

Not only we humans here on earth live in the belief of duality. Vast areas of the universe think and live in this context. Among them are also many beings who do not have a physical body.

So it may well be that you suddenly or always have destructive thoughts that you would not call your own.

- Sebastian -

Why is energetic cleansing needed?

Just as there is a complete range of characters among us humans in duality (loving caring to aggressive evil), this is also lived out on other levels. Angels are probably the best-known beings on other planes who are at the loving and caring end of the scale. Beings at the opposite end look for opportunities to, among other things, use people for their interests or simply to annoy them. Deceased souls, for example, may also not want their house/apartment to be used by their heirs.

Energetic cleansing of people

Beings that relate to humans and walk with them usually use the human's emotional world to interact with them. In order for humans to get into the necessary feelings, they usually make use of our inner images and always provide enough supplies. This is particularly noticeable when we were doing well until just now, and suddenly we no longer know ourselves. If such an occupation has been going on for a long time, the difference is usually not so easily recognisable. This is the case, for example, when these beings either move on through the ancestral line or have a contract with the soul and are present again at every incarnation.

Energetic cleaning of houses, offices, etc.

There are places where you just don't feel comfortable. As soon as you enter a house, flat or even a place in nature, your hair stands up and you want to turn around.
Because of their history, they harbour energies or beings that we perceive as unpleasant. This can lead to houses standing empty for years and neglected flats not being able to be rented out, people in these premises not being able to cope with quarrelling.
A cleaning can have a great effect here and achieve a different interaction among people in this place and with this place.

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Schuld genommen

Deine und Johannas Botschaft war ein tiefer und berührender Kontakt.

Er hat mir zentnerschwere Last, Schuld und Sühne abgenommen.

Ich fühle mich freier.

Roland –

Ein guter Hirte

Danke für Deine behutsame Begleitung. Du warst wie ein guter Hirte, der mich führt.

Wirklich großartig was Du kannst !!!

Ich hoffe Du kannst Deine Fähigkeiten mehr und mehr zu den Menschen bringen.

– Nina –


Ich habe die Sitzung als sehr bereichernd erlebt.

Es hat mir geholfen, in frühere Leben zu gehen, damit sich die Schuldzuweisungen gegenüber meinen Eltern reduzieren.

– Edith –

Mehr Licht

In den Sessions erlebe ich immer wieder, wie manche meiner inneren Aspekte nicht im Licht oder nicht im Frieden sind.

Sebastian hilft mir, auf sie zuzugehen und ihnen zu geben, was sie brauchen.

Es ist, als entstehe mehr Platz für Licht in mir.

Sylvie –


Deine ganz zu tiefst einfühlsame Art… Danke

Cornelia –


What can you expect?

When places are cleaned, a permanent relaxation usually occurs.

With the cleaning of humans it depends on the way over which the beings/energies have found to the human being. I cannot make a general statement here.

For which people may you ask for cleansing?

For you as well as from my experience for your direct family members. These are your partner, your own children (usually also stepchildren if there is a close relationship), your parents and direct grandparents.

For which people are you not allowed to ask for cleansing?

Grandchildren (only parents are responsible), parents-in-law, grandparents-in-law, all other persons.

For which place may you ask for cleansing?

These are

  • exclusively places to which you have a direct connection and/or are responsible.
  • Places in nature for which no one is responsible.

On the one hand, this is the apartment/house in which you live or which belongs to you. This is your workplace/office. If you are the company owner and responsible for the premises, the entire building. The decision about what may be done is made neither by you nor by me, but by the spiritual world, which also carries out the cleaning.

The preservation of the free will and integrity of the people concerned is the top priority!

Should you prepare yourself?

Yes. Make sure you pay attention to the questions about which place/people have permission before you write to me.
We will discuss everything else in the session

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